A: There are 2 little computers inside the AdrenaLinn, each with a different software version:
1) A microcontroller (MCU). To check its software version, connect power while holding the UP ARROW button. The latest version is 1.5, shown in the display as "1-5".
2) A digital signal processor (DSP). To check its software version, connect power while holding the DOWN ARROW button. The current version is 1.6, shown in the display as "1-6”.
Because there are two parts to the software, the latest version is called "Version 1.5/1.6". Click here for a list of the improvements in version 1.5/1.6. If you wish to upgrade to version 1.5/1.6, you can do so by purchasing a set of two plug-in chips that you can install yourself. Go to our online store and look for the item "AdrenaLinn (Original Model) Version 1.5/1.6 Software Chipset."
A: There are too many power supplies on the market for us to keep up with. However, you can use any power supply that meets AdrenaLinn's requirements:
We no longer sell a replacement power supply, but you can buy the same power supply here:
A: He used factory preset F35 and factory drumbeat F48.
A: Select drumbeat F22 and set the tempo to 84 BPM.
To get the pulsing filter sound used on the opening chords:
Set PRESET to F47.
Set Filter Mode to 4PO.
Set Filter Frequency to 45.
Set Resonance to 10.
Set LFO Wave to 'Sin'.
Set Delay Vol to 0.
To get the auto-wah sound used on the melody line that follows the opening chord riff:
Set PRESET to F15.
Set Filter Mode to 4PO.
Set Mod Amount to 65.
Set Resonance to 10.
Set Amp Drive to 20.
Set Bass to 11.
Set Mid to 0.
Set Treble to 87.
Set Delay Vol to 0.
Set Amp Model to 4.
Set DRUMBEAT to F22.
Set TEMPO to 97.
Set DELAY VOL to 25.
Set DELAY TIME to 38.
Here's how he plays the guitar part on the intro and verses:
* On the 2nd 1/8 note of each bar, softly play the G string on the 14th fret.
* On the 3rd 1/8 note of each bar, softly play the B string on the 17th fret. Let both strings ring out for the duration of the bar. This same part works over both the A and D chords played by the other musicians.
For the F# minor section ("If you want more love, why don't you say so?"), the part is:
* 1st bar: Fm chord, played as 4th fret of D string + 2nd fret of G string + 2nd fret of B string.
* 2nd bar: Asus chord, played as open A string + 2nd fret of D string + 2nd fret of G string + open B string.
* 3rd & 4th bar: D Ma7 chord, played as open D string + 2nd fret of G string + 2nd fret of B string.
For all three of these chords, play the lowest string of the chord on the start of each bar, and the other notes of the chord on the 2nd 1/4 note of each bar. Let the notes sustain for the duration of each bar, then repeat these 4 bars once before going back to the verse section.
There's a third part, but we'll leave it up to you figure that one out.
A: The knobs do tend to lose their grip over time. We have new knobs that grip tighter and you can order a set of 4 from our online store. Alternatively, one customer had a novel solution: Cut out a 1/3" circle of aluminum foil and place it over the shaft, then push the knob onto the shaft; the foil will act as a shim that holds the knob on better.
A: Yes. Press and hold the main button and that will bring you to the secondary functions on the main knobs. Turning the forth knob to the left will mix out the drumbeat, while turning to the right will mix out the preset. If you turn the knob all the way to the right, the LED will read "SEP" and this will route the drumbeat to the right output and the preset to the left.
1. Adjust the Filter Mode to VOL (Volume).
2. Adjust the Mod Source parameter to LFO (Low-Frequency Oscillator).
3. Adjust Filter Frequency to 75.
4. Adjust Mod Amount to 50.
5. Adjust the LFO Wave parameter to Sin (sine wave).
6. Adjust the LFO Rate to the desired cycle rate: either a fixed cycle, with a range from 0 to 99, or a synced cycle with a range from every 8 measures to every 32nd note.
1. Adjust the Filter Mode parameter to FL1 or FL2.
2. Adjust the Mod Source parameter to LFO (Low-Frequency Oscillator).
3. Adjust the LFO Wave parameter to Sin (sine wave).
4. Adjust the LFO Rate to the desired cycle rate: either a fixed cycle, with a range from 0 to 99, or a synced cycle with a range from every 8 measures to every 32nd note (see details on LFO Rate on page 30).
5. Adjust the Filter Frequency (which controls the delay time range in your flanger cycle) to a medium setting, around 50.
6. Adjust the Mod Amount to a lower setting, around 30. For less bass tonality in your flanger, set Mod the Amount to an inverted setting, around -30.
7. Adjust the Resonance (which controls the delay feedback) to a lower setting, around 30, adding a sense of pitch to your flanger.
8. Hint: If you are using an Amp Model along with the flanger, set your Amp Drive to go before the flanger in the signal path (Scroll the Amp Drive parameter past 99 until you see a "b" in the LED display). This allows for a fuller flange tone, much like putting your distortion pedal before your flange pedal.
1. Adjust the Filter Mode to "4P0" (4-pole) filter.
2. Adjust the Mod Source to "AUD" (audio).
3. Set the Mod Amount to a high setting like 99,
4. Set the Resonance to a fairly high setting like 60. The filter will now affect your guitar tone according to the level of audio input, giving you an "auto-wah."
1. Turn the Filter Mode to OFF.
2. Select the desired Amp Model (a full list of the amp simulations is found earlier in this section).
3. Adjust the Amp Drive to desired amount.
Q: How do I use only the synced delay?
1. Turn the Filter Mode to OFF.
2. Turn the Amp Model to OFF.
3. Adjust the Delay Time (0-99 for a fixed setting, or ½ note-1/32nd note for a synced setting).
4. Adjust the Delay Volume and the Delay Feedback to desired amount.
1. Make sure you are running the stereo outputs into a stereo source.
2. Adjust the Pan parameter to LFO.
3. Set the LFO Wave to Sin (sine wave).
4. Adjust the length of your pan cycle by setting the LFO Rate parameter to the desired length (8-measures, 4-measures, 1-measure, whole notes, etc).
The AdrenaLinn can be made to act like an arpeggiator, accentuating a sequence of specific musical notes of signal. Follow these steps to make it work:
1. Set your Filter Mode to flanger ("FL1")
2. Set Mod Source to sequencer ("SEq")
3. Set Mod Amount to a "99"
4. Set Filter Frequency to "0"
5. Set Resonance to "85"
6. Press Sequencer button once to enter Sequencer Mode and adjust the Level of each step according to the note you desire (You can do this as the sequencer is playing to hear realtime results). Each increment is equal to one semitone.
A: The AdrenaLinn responds to MIDI start, stop, clock, note number, velocity, bend, controller, pressure, and program changes. The AdrenaLinn sends out MIDI start, stop, and clock. For more information on MIDI implementation, download the AdrenaLinn MIDI Specification at left.