Stolen LinnStruments

Here is a list of LinnStrument and LinnStrument 128 units that have been stolen.


Serial number LNL00129: Stolen in Brussels, Belgium
Serial number LNL00161: Stolen in Las Vegas, NV, USA
Serial number LNL00531: Stolen in Santa Fe, NM, USA in 2025
Serial number LNL00932: Stolen in London, UK
Serial number LNL01747: Stolen in Clarkson, WA, USA in March of 2022
Serial number LNL01856: Lost during shipment to Kyiv, Ukraine in February of 2021

LinnStrument 128:

Serial number LNM00182: Stolen in London, UK
Serial number LNM01359: Stolen in Basel, Switzerland in May of 2023

If a LinnStrument has no serial number label (on the left end), it is also stolen.

If you encounter one of these stolen units or a unit with no serial label, please email me. Also, please report it to the police and invite them to contact me for verification.

Thank you,
Roger Linn